Maltese, Havanese,Bichon Frise, or Shih Tzu, which to get?

    • Bronze

    I have 2 Shih-Tzu I just love them. I send a picture with this but i cant figure out how to do that yet. Good luck with your choice.

    • Gold Top Dog


    I only know about the Maltese, since I have one too(Tabitha).  Mine is very mellow, enjoys attention, and lovin's.  We also have a male cat (Tigger) he's a PITA when it comes to Tabitha, he actually beats up on her sometimes when they are down in the gameroom overnight.  Not so much now since we got Misty (Border Collie), though, 'cause Misty herds him. LOL  I know Maltese don't shed and possibly the same with the Bichon, I'm not sure about the Havanese, or Shih Tzu.  The maltese are small usually 5 lbs. and a Bichon is very similar but bigger.  Tabitha is so small (about 3lbs. @ 12 yrs. old) and boy you just really got to watch where she's at so you don't step on her.  Her size is pretty rare though, like I said most are about 5 lbs. some larger.  My sister had the mother and kept a pup also, she sold one to a friend of hers and they all seemed to have the same termperment.  Very easy going.  Well, that's about all I got for you.  Hope it helps.  Good Luck! 


    • Gold Top Dog

    For the first couple of years, I brought my dogs to a professional groomer. I do it myself now. I have to admit I don't do nearly as good a job as the professionals did, but I am getting better. I think it takes a lot of practice to get good at it.
    My advice is to bring your dog to a professional for the first few times, that way you can see how it is supposed to look. I don't shave my dogs, just clip their fur down so they still have enough to brush, but a quick brushing daily keeps the matts away on my dogs.
    I suggest you start brushing your dog as soon as you bring it home, to get it used to it, handle their paws a lot so they get used to that and hopefully they won't fuss as much getting their nails done. When you get your dog you'll be bringing them to the vet for a check up as soon as possible, have the vet show you how to clip their nails.
    I also suggest you get the dog used to have it's teeth brushed, the sooner the better.

    Wow!  This is great advice.  You do need to brush them regularly to make sure they are used to the brush.  Tabitha shakes just seeing it!  I did the same thing, took her to a groomer and then did it myself.  We couldn't use a shaver (I was afraid the noise would give her a heart attack!) so I just cut her hair, sort of like a puppy cut.  But this is great advice!

    • Puppy

    I have two havanese.  They are wonderful dogs. People always stop and ask me about them.  They are so smart, I hung a string of bells on my back door knob and they ring the bells to go out.  I live across from a school bus stop and all the children and other dogs come and play with them in the mornings.  I can't say enough about the breed, but now my neighborhood has 7 havaneses so I think my neighbors really loved my dogs too.  They are hardly little guys and they hold their own with the bigger dogs.  They are really people dogs they like to go with everywhere.  When in traffic people look over at Zoe and Boo at the window and just smile and point.  It warms my heart to see those smiling faces.  Boo sleeps on my pillow and Zoe sleeps at my feet.  I can't believe I was afraid that if I got two they wouldn't bond with the family.  Of the seven havanese I know they all have about the same temperment.  I waited 7 months to get mine from a breeder who had a wonderful mother.  But while I was waiting I checked out 5 other breeders, what an education that was.  They don't all look alike so go for the features you like.  They are wonderful with all ages.  My daughter takes the dogs to a nursing home on Saturdays and the residents get such a kick out of them.  I don't have cats so I can't speak to how they are with cats.