• Bronze
    OK All Here's a some newer pics of her showing her curled tail. She's 10 months now. with tail down when not excited
    • Gold Top Dog

    To me she looks all GSD. The only throw off is her color. And I am going to and look, I saw a picture of a purebred that looked just like this. Will add it if I find it.


    Here you go.


    • Gold Top Dog

    All GSD or GSD/Mal.  Face/head/expression is very GSD.

    Her harness is on upside down. The off-colored strap goes under the belly.

    • Bronze
    Thanks for the info! I'll make sure to flip the harness.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Her harness is on upside down. The off-colored strap goes under the belly.


    Not always. Casey's fits better with the gray strap on top. He, however, is oddly shaped. 

    I think she looks all GSD. Very pretty dog!

    • Gold Top Dog


    I think she looks all GSD. Very pretty dog!


     Me too! To me her head and expression seem too GSD-y to be mixed with anything. And a lot of GSDs have way more "curled" tails than her. Whatever she is I second that she is a pretty girl and she looks like a real nice dog.

    • Gold Top Dog

     she looks identical to a dog i had when i was a kid! we had just moved to a new house and my mom wanted me to feel comfortable living there so she got me a puppy from a co-workers litter. the mother was a black shepherd but the father was colliexchow.

    I have pictures of her somewhere but they are old snapshots from 1989.... if i find them i'll scan and post them. but the other puppies in that litter all looked different. some of them were sable, some marked like wolves, and some more shepherd looking like this, mine was the one that didnt have the saddle. and because of her colour i named her Sandy :)

    • Bronze
    Dumdog that would be great if you could post some of those pics! Hope you can find them!
    • Gold Top Dog

     She's gorgeous! She definitely has GSD in her, and I see a bit of Malinois in her as well. Also the whole pacing thing could be separation anxiety.

    • Puppy

    German Shepherd mixed with a CAROLINA DOG .....google Carolina Dog and you will be shocked with the similarities ;-)