Bonita of Bwana
Posted : 4/21/2008 8:33:34 AM
Hi Glenda,
I have been following what has been happening with your situation and have to confess my admiration for your positive out look!! We just got home two days ago and while I don't "hate" the rv I am not eager to get back in it for a while. Bob has already found the next dog show
I thought you might find this amusing....
We were on the road just under 4 weeks, with the very old girl , my sweet Jasmine, Kota who has to wear a greyhound muzzle ro prevent him from washing his toe to massive necrotic levels, Dreamer who is a most energetic counter surfing champion 22 month old pain in the
.... then there is Zion the nearly 90 pound 13 month old Dooofus extroidinare who believes you wake up the folks you love by sitting on thier chests!! And we can't forget the new kid Nemo , who at 3 months old has zero clue about being housebroken ( NASTY!!!)
We went to a final show in Perry Georgia , where we stayed in the ribbons, got herding titles on two and a cgc on one, I had to duck and dodge friends because I was beyond exhausted and felt really ill from it. The morning we were do to head home I was nearly giddy with excitement rushing about breaking camp. We would be home in time for my daughter's 30th birthday
Bob drove to within 2 hours of home and decided to stay the night , he was so tired I offered to drive the rest but He coaxed we could have breakfast the next's his favorite meal and frankly I did not feel like cooking anymore ! I agreed , it was a noisy truck stop and I was depressed. My lap top air card was not working ( Darn Verizon!!) I'd spent a couple of hours on the cell with tech support
then went in and splurged on a milkshake for me and a piece of pie for the Hubs
(I really did not want to get dogged out for having such a calorie rich treat so late so thought I would get him to indulge too) oooookay that didn't work the pie was bad.... I took it back in and tried to tell the management... was blown off, told to wait till they could find her and stood around for over 15 minutes listening to 3 women talk about who was having babies , who was divorcing who and who went to who's church ...finally I left even angier
I called the restaurant ( no I don't want to see my cell phone bill for this trip!!) and asked once more for a manager , one finally showed up and offered to log the poor service complain in the restaurant log... Next morning I went in with Bob, no way I was having breakfast !! the buffet was minimal as the truck hadn't gotten in but the Hubs pushed on and ate his choice of the slim pickings, I called the manager over and explained how disturbing it was to have that kind of crappy service when RVers spend a fortune in these places. He apologised and agreed, if only he had stopped there and shut up !!! instead he went on to say He like to fire them all but gee surely I can see what he has to deal with .... ( I think my face froze as I listened to him vent about the ignorant black community he had to hire out of and how crappy the work ethics were etc...) I got up and left the restaurant right after I got his card with corp's number on it. We went out bought another 90 gallons of gas and pulled forward about 20 feet to buy propane... propane was out of order...figures right?? I asked the Hubs to skip it and get me home... he grumped and turned the key in the ignition ....NOTHING. NADA. ZIPPO the brand new RV was dead at the console.
We called roadside service, they sent not one but THREE wreckers in the next 36 hours, each had to tear up the grassy area of the parking lot trying to angle in to reach us, the first could not pull a rear engine, the second could not reach the axles on our coach the third could but only after taking the rear axels apart !!!! (something to do with brakes) again we spend the night in the truck stop but this time we have people knocking on the rv asking us to move since they are too dumb to see the caution tape and cones to prevent them using the far gas lane we broke down in. The nausea and show trots didn't help either
We finally pull into the service center as they close the next day so we have yet another night in a parking lot with the 5 cabin weary dogs. I tried to make a nice dinner and served it with placemats and real napkins, used stem wear for the wine but I was still so depressed. The next day we commandeered the customer lounge for ourselves and the 5 dogs, insurance did not allow us to stay in the RV and If I wasn't in there my dogs sure weren't going to be !! The actual repair took 10 minutes !! Putting the rear axels together took most of the day.
When we finally limped into the drive way I was so happy to be home and see the 5 kids and the dogs I was not able to bring along, that lasted about an hour before I finally looked around and saw how trashed my home was !! It looked like a pigpen and I went from happy to furious in moments. I have been cleaning non stop but it will take a week to get my home back in order, well close I will have to wait since apparently the hallway tub is now leaking into the walls, the kitchen drawers were stood on my the 3 girls trying to get things so 6 are now broken, the yard is full of acorns so I can't put puppy out in a pen in the front, and my youngest grandaughter used different fingernail polishes to paint "addresses" next to every door in my home....
Yeah it is "good" to be home
......... I will swap places with your this week if you'd like ???
Hugs girl remember this stuff too shall pass for both of us !!!
Bonita of Bwana