Posted : 4/24/2011 11:34:49 AM
Thanks again everyone. The nerves are better today than they were yesterday!
What did you do the first time Tessy had lymphoma? How was it trated then?
I decided to use the MW Protocol the first time around consisting of various chemotherapeutic drugs...with nasty side effects. Luckily Tessy handles these drugs very well and only showed few side effects. This time around money issues won't allow me to follow a similar route so i'm left with treating holistically...which makes me nervous of course. I've read quite a bit about these techniques over the past year so have a somewhat good understanding of what would be used and how. I was in contact with a holistic consultant yesterday and started Tessy on a plan last night. The lymph nodes haven't shrunk any but they've only grown just a little bit. I'm really really hoping this new treatment plan works an dI can heal from the inside out. Everything's closed around here until Tuesday so can't start on some things till then I'm hoping things stay at bay till then.
I'm pretty sure my head is gonna explode! LOL I'm thinking i might get some rescue remedy for myself to calm me down some.
Anyhow, that's where we stand at the moment. Thanks again for the support.