My friend and her family (aDork)

    • Gold Top Dog

    My friend and her family (aDork)

    Early this morning my best friend's father passed away. Please keep her and her family in your thoughts through this difficult time. At this point, I'm not sure that they know exactly what happened. He was in the hospital again and they were trying to dianose him, but the opinions varied -- infection in his lungs, cancer, pneumonia and something else. He's been in and out of the hospital in the past year, so while this certainly wasn't wholly unexpected, it was still a shock. Considering yesterday his dianoses where "Level 3 Mast Cell Lung Cancer" and "Whatever he had a month ago, he can still get better."

     Her mother will be housebound if she goes back to college, so there are lots of very big decisions to be made here in the near future. They are probably going to lose everything because of this, and because her mother does not work. Just send all the good thoughts and prayers you can their way, because I have no doubt they're going to need them.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Absolutely -- that's so very sad.  good thoughts and prayers for sure

    • Gold Top Dog

     I'm sorry to hear about your friend's father. I will keep her and her family in my prayers.

    • Gold Top Dog

    The loss of a friend or a family member is so hard, when it effects a complete lifestyle change for family members it is even more difficult.     I have a friend that lost his father a year ago, suddenly and unexpectedly, leaving his mother (2nd stage ALZ) homebound.  It has been very stressful and difficult for my friend.  Please share with your friend that asking for help....  relying on friends and prayer will get her thru. 

    A favorite prayer of mine, shared with me after my hubby had a very bad accident many years ago;

    Help me to remember Lord, that nothing going to happen today that you and I can't handle together!

    We will pray for strength and courage to get her thru these next few months. We will pray that she will find peace in her heart with the decisions she makes.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm very sorry about your friend and the loss of her father. That alone would be enough to deal with but to have to worry about so many other things must feel overwhelming. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm so sorry about your friends Father.  How sad and upsetting about the situation with her Mom.  I will most certainly have her and her family in my thoughts and prayers.  She has a good friend in you and that can make all the difference when dealing with something like this.  Hugs.