Our turn now? glenmar

    • Gold Top Dog

    Please keep those prayers and good thoughts coming.  There are a couple possibilities that would be really sweet.  And, likely we'll just pull up stakes and move from one campground to another before we worry about  moving our stuff and finding a house.  We just so need to be someplace with an income.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Everything's crossed here for you, Glenda! I keep checking back here and I know soon, I'm going to see that one of these possibilities is fanning out.

    Good thoughts coming your way... Yes 

    • Gold Top Dog
    What happened to the opportunity in NH?

    Any place you'd really like to put down new roots? Any place special tug on your heart strings? Or, would you rather stay put in your current state? You're MIL is Maine, right? Let us know, and we can concentrate on THAT place for you - for financial success and happiness.

    Doggies still doing good and adapting?

    • Gold Top Dog

    The dogs have been rather snipey the last couple days.  They've been a bit testy with one another and doing a bit of growling and showing their butts.  However, I do understand that since I'd like to bite someone some days........ 

    This morning, starting at 5:38 we had some of the typical grumping, but added in was the whining.  Needless to say they woke me up....once up, Shadow started literally throwing himself at the door.  He really needed to go, considering that he went out on the tie and did both within seconds, but, gosh darn, I sure didn't need to get up THAT early.  Wonder if I could teach them to use the toilet??  We had a cat that did for years.......sigh.

    I think that part of the problem with the crankiness is that we rearranged the RV and reclaimed the bed for us.  They haven't settled in to the changes yet.  But, the sofa and the table both make into single beds.  When DH and I tried sleeping together, neither of us got much sleep.  If I slept on the back of the "bed", I'd get body slammed into the wall a few times a night, if I slept on the front, I'd wake up on the floor.  So I gave DH the table, which is the better bed, and took the sofa.  Sofa's in RV's aren't really made for adult sleeping, and certainly not for more than a night or two.  It really needs to be redone once we get someplace and a whole lot more padding put in.  The back of it, where backs would be if it were upright, is the only half way comfy spot to sleep.  However, think of a twin sized bed, divide that in two, and anytime my body would cross that center line, I'd be laying on metal....without a heck of a lot of padding between me and it.  Many a morning I woke up with aching hips. and general aches and pains.

    So, we took some stuff OUT of the RV, and moved it over to storage, did some major rearranging and reclaimed the bed for US.  It's amazing how heavenly a queen sized foam mattress feels to someone used to sleeping in a king size water bed.Sleep

    It's really nice to be able to get some of the extra stuff out of here too.  We had the water cooler in here since we couldn't put water in the tank.....now that's cleaned, wrapped and in storage.That and the three 5 gallon water jugs.  Winter coats, hats, gloves, all of that, washed, packed and in storage.  Nothing that sounds like a lot, but it really adds up in a small space.

    Once enough snow melted to move the RV and park it properly in the site we were able to move the freezer over NEXT to it and under the awning to give it a bit of protection.  And it's sure nice not having to trudge through snow to get something out for dinner.  Thankfully most of THAT is gone now......

    It's a bit of a pain having to set crates up and take them down every day, but, beats waking up sore every morning....or tossing and turning all night.

    Now, with things pending, well, maybe that's what it took, was for me to get good and settled in.......

    At this point, I'm not fussy about where we go, although I'd like to avoid the deep south.  And yes, the midwest does tug at my heart a bit.  I'd love to be able to stay in MI for my Mom's sake, but she's amazingly cool about me not being here.  And, if I think back, MI hasn't been that kind to us.  Starting with the RV breaking down and being towed away from Walmart, with my truck biting the dust, with not making enough money, with me being unable to find a job for so long.......I'm not so sure MI wants ME.  So in my heart, I'd like to be within a days drive of here, even if it's a really hard days drive.....just so I can still spend time with Mom on a regular basis, but certainly a bit SOUTH of where we are now.  The past three winters have been absolutely brutal.  But, I'd still like to have actual seasons, only not as pronounced as they are here.

    More than anything right now, we just need jobs and a home.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Thanks for the great update. I saw your thread in General yesterday and am really hoping that the opportunity works out for you. Not much is more powerful than prayer (a group of people who are putting their thoughts in one direction).

    My in-laws have an RV, sounds very similar to yours - bed in the back and table & couch makes into a bed. What you are accomplishing, and with 6 large GSDs, in nothing short of a miracle. You're not vacationing, or taking a long road trip, you're surviving.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have this mental image of the Big Guy sitting up there being pelleted with prayer requests and thinking "gee, maybe I'd best make this one happen so these people will just quit NAGGING about it'...........LOL.  Sure hope it works.

    I never had any desire for slide outs.  I do now.  I would really appreciate just a few more feet.  But, at least with the warmer weather we can sit outside with a dog or two.....or without if we need a fur free zone.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Now that you mention it, I think my in-laws table area slides out. Yep, that would make a big difference! Bring on the warm weather, lol!
    • Gold Top Dog

    Glenda I think of you often and pray for good things for you.  My DH and I just sold a 36 foot camper with a livingroom slide out.  All the comforts, air, heat, bath, satalite TV, two bedrooms, Kitchen - bar w/stools and even with all those conviences I use to get so frustrated with space.  Having three dogs and a child and limited storage use to drive me crazy after only a long weekend.  God must be watching over you just by giving you the patients to live in such a cramped area without going crazy.  Of course we should all be thankful for what we have even if it is not the perfect situation but geeze lousie, I would be pulling my hair out!!  I can simpithize with the sleeping too.  Our Queen size bed wasn't comfortable and we had to put down additional padding.  Our couch too was just that, a pull out bed with bars!  And like you we found that the table bed was most comfortable, go figure.  Before we put down extra padding on our Queen bed my DH took the matttress from the pullout couch and put that on the bed, it was a good send you might want to try that if you need more padding.  Anyway, I just wanted to say that I admire your perserverance and I am hoping that a job is coming soon for you both!  They do say that all good things come with time and that things happen for a reason although its hard to see it that way now.  I am praying that by this time next year you will have all the things you want and need and find that good fortune come to you.

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