Last night was Harley Quinn's 2nd Obedience class! As soon as we came close to the building where lessons are held, I could see my little girl light up with excitement.
In our first week, Harley learned the correct way to sit and lunge. But it wasn’t just a learning experience for her. I learned the correct tone of voice and way to administer commands and corrections. She pranced proudly around the room intently and listened for her next command.
This week we learned the correct way to heal. There were a few times where she (and I ) got a little frustrated, but with some patience (and lots of praise) we learned a lot!
At only 9 months old, Harley is the youngest dog in the class, but she is getting along with the best of them. Plus, these classes have been such a great way to socialize her with not only other dogs but people as well! The picture above is from last night class. PLEASE do not mind my hair! I promise it looked a little better than that, but it turns out that working your dog is hard work!
Has anyone else put their dog through obedience classes? Share your tips and experience with me! :)