We just found out that DH's sister's dog, Beau, has d-Con poisoning. The prognosis is very guarded -- the vet told them the next 12 hours will be touch and go.
Unfortnately, they didn't see him eat the poison, so it's been in his system for a couple days or so. They took him to the vet initially because they thought he bit his tongue, but the next couple days he started exhibiting other worrisome symptoms. They took him to a specialist today, and he thought everything pointed to poisoning. The prognosis is better if treatment begins immediately after ingestion, so they're not feeling too hopeful, even though he's getting all the best treatments possible now.
He's not even a year old, so maybe his youth will help his chances of recovery. In the meantime, any positive vibes, good thoughts, and doggy prayers for Beau (and his human family) would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!