We go thru this on again off again routine on a regular basis with my SD.  There have been a couple of times that we have allowed her to move in "temporarily" in order to "get back on her feet"   It usually ends badly....it has been several years since the last time and I dont believe she will come back home ever because....she doesnt like the rules!    This is something that you will have to stick to Susan..saying this from experience.   A Doctor diagnosed bi-polar at some point and now she basically uses that as an excuse, if you will, for everything that doesnt go right in her life.  She will do the "independent" I am an adult you cant tell me what to do thing.   However; if you are an adult then act like an adult and get a job and get a place to live and take care of yourself (in SD's case there are also children).   If you insist on staying with us...you have respect for our rules.  Whether she truly is Bi-polar or not she is constantly coming up with "ideas" things that she is going to do that always either go bad or fall thru.   We help her get to Dr. Appts if needed but we have finally had to use the "tough love" approach with everything else.

I will be praying that you will be able to stay strong and stick to your rules.  Strenghth to allow Daniel to grow up or falter is the hardest thing but necessary for him to be able to have a life.

By the way SD is 35, :(  sometimes they just dont get it.