Easy Walk, Halti, Sense-ation, Sporn....

    • Gold Top Dog

    Easy Walk, Halti, Sense-ation, Sporn....

     If you have used a no pull harness, which one do you use and why?  Did you try one and not like it?  If so, why? 

    Are you willing to try a different make or model?  If not, what no pull device did you settle on, or did you manage to train your dog not to pull and therefore simply not need the device?

    Note: this is a about harnesses - NOT prongs, NOT headcollars, and not training methods.  Just harnesses. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have tried a Sporn harness. I didn't like it at all. It was annoying as heck to get on, the lambskin pieces constantly shifted out of position, and the most annoying thing of course was that it didn't stop pulling whatsoever. I returned it to the store after two days.

    I currently own a Halti harness, and I really like it. I did find it a bit annoying that similar to a bra strap it occasionally "slipped" *G* and had to be re-tightened, but upon sewing it (obviously I used it for one dog only doing this) it has been otherwise great. I like the extra clip it has to attach to a collar.  I really like the sewn-in parts on the sides that protect the armpits from chafing, which was rarely, but sometimes, an issue with the Easywalk. I haven't had the need to use it in a long time, but it's always on hand in case it is needed.

    I would like to have a hands-on look at the new Dreamwalker, and may order it someday just to gain experience with it.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm blessed with a dog that doesn't like the slightest of pressures on her neck. Consequently, she quickly learnt as a puppy how far she could go without a taut leash, so I've never had any problems with her on leash.

    I'm a bit confused about the halti. I thought that was a head collar of some sort?

    • Gold Top Dog
    I did use an easy walk harness on a pug puppy, and I loved it. It was very easy to steer him around with very mild pressure, and it didn't take him long to learn not to head out in front of me. I wanted to use one on Ares and Morgan, but got as far as having it always fall off. They don't fit the short-legged, deep-chested, long-backed dogs. I haven't had a chance to try any others because I haven't seen them in the stores and I don't really want to deal with the hassle of ordering something and guessing the size and endless rounds of returning them.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I have used a sporn on Gunnar, it works well, I also tried one of the ones that attaches in the front and did not like it at all, nor did he it kept slipping around and just did not seem to be effective.

     I am willing to try pretty much anything if it works and is safe. At the moment he has not had to wear the sporn in a long while, shortly after getting Hektor and starting to walk two dogs we had a little problem with pulling ahead, I found that mixing up the sporn and his flat collar worked to settle him back down to not pulling. Some of the walks he wore the sporn but had the leash attached to his collar and if he pulled I would attach the leash to the sporn and that would be sufficient to stop the pulling.

     I find it easy to walk both dogs individualy without any pulling or problems, when walking two Gunnar always seems to want to lunge ahead a little, almost like a competition but working with them slowly using the sporn on Gunnar (since he is more intent on being in front) and stopping and changing directions has worked so far.

     We have our routine down now and I am content with how both dogs are walking when leashed so at this time we are not using any harness.

     Hektor has a special harness to pull weight with. He pulls a tire around the backyard for fun, but other than that he has never worn a harness and has not needed a no-pull one.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm a bit confused about the halti. I thought that was a head collar of some sort?

    There is a Halti head collar, but there is also a Halti harness. It's a front-clip harness (also has a ring on the back you can attach it to if you like).

     I do also use a tracking harness, in which the dogs are allowed/encouraged to pull into (not like maniacs, but to keep a tight lead). It's interesting to see the immediate differences when putting on their different "gear".

    • Gold Top Dog


    I'm a bit confused about the halti. I thought that was a head collar of some sort?

    There is a Halti head collar, but there is also a Halti harness. It's a front-clip harness (also has a ring on the back you can attach it to if you like).

     I do also use a tracking harness, in which the dogs are allowed/encouraged to pull into (not like maniacs, but to keep a tight lead). It's interesting to see the immediate differences when putting on their different "gear".


    Funny you should mention that, Kim.  I have tracking harnesses, too, and the dogs go right out in front when they get put on. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I've used and still sometimes use the Easy Walk. I do like it, but I'm not "In love with it." It works, but if Maddi gets riled up, she can and will still pull, albeit I have far more control than without it in many aspects. I do, however, find this and the GL effective in helping me remind her to walk loosely on a leash. So, from time to time (especially when she starts reverting back and doesn't respond well to the stop and wait game) I use it as a refresher.

    Ultimately, I rarely use it anymore. I've trained loose leash walking and rarely have an instance. I like having it though for my mom. When she decides to walk her grandpuppy, it gives her the control that she needs.


    All in all, I give it a thumbs up!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I tried the EasyWalk in the store.  At the time I didn't like it b/c everytime Co-Co pulled and it tightened up she fell over.  Since then I've learned that I didn't have it fitted right, so I'm thinking about trying it again.

    I had the Sporn harness, it worked well, but was a PITA to put on and the sleeves kept moving around.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I use an Easy Walk on Coke.  It didn't work too well for a while b/c it wasn't fitted right.  We found someone that sold in-between sizes, had it fit by someone experienced, and voila!  It worked immediately.  I haven't tried any others b/c the Easy Walk is the only one I can find.

    • Gold Top Dog

    or did you manage to train your dog not to pull and therefore simply not need the device?


    Since day one of owning him, I have always walked Shadow in a regular walking harness. He will heel and LLW because I have had a clicker and various types of treats on various days in various places with various levels of distractions. The initial heel was accidental and was learned in a total of 3 to 6 clicks. 3 for touch, and no more than 3 for a walking touch that some wise old broad pointed out was the beginning of a heel. This was off-leash. Later, I did it in harness and leash.

    Maybe on another dog in the future, if walking touch didn't do it, I might try either Easy Walk or Gentle Leader to start, depending. I could even conceivably use a prong if none of those didn't work. And it would be a temporary tool to get a LLW and heel and then, I could transfer back to a regular walking harness.


    • Gold Top Dog

    I've got an Easy Walk, and don't like it at all. I actually bought it for my sister, but she didn't use it..so I took it back. I've tried it on three dogs (definitely the right size for two of them..POSSIBLY a little big for Cherokee), fitted it all different ways, and it didn't work on any of them. I hate the loopy martingale thing. It seems to just make it slip around and not fit right.

    Cherokee's not a big puller in normal situations, and "be a tree" works wonders if she happens to forget. In dog-filled situations, she gets a little nutty and forgets not to pull, but I don't see a no-pull harness working terribly well for that anyway. We use a head collar sometimes, and a normal harness other times.

    I walked my aunt's dog on a Sporn. Didn't like that at all either. Jack still pulled like crazy, he just seemed to be injuring himself. Although my aunt had it really really tight on him (I actually loosened it when she wasn't looking..shh), so maybe that was it? Or maybe it's supposed to be that tight, I dunno.

    I'd buy the Halti if I was gonna buy another one. I like the fronts of that and the Sense-ation better than the EW because of the loopy thing, and since the Halti also has a ring for the leash on the back, it just seems like a multi-tasker, more bang for the buck if you will.

    • Gold Top Dog


    And it would be a temporary tool to get a LLW and heel and then, I could transfer back to a regular walking harness.


     my intentions are to get a nice walking harness for Hektor. I just have not gotten around to purchsing one yet mainly because of his growth. Once he has reached a size where I can buy one and have it last I intend to use a harness for walking him.

    • Bronze

    I use the easy walk harnes and the sensible harness (have 2 easy walks and 1 sensible) with foster dogs who pull.  I like the sensible over the easy walk as the construction of the easy walk seems to encourage the dog to either walk to the left or right rather than straight on.  I find that if the dogs have short legs they sometimes can walk right out of the easy walk too (fostered a border collier and ACD  at different times who sometimes managed to step one leg out of them).  I sometimes think the harness chaffs the dog's armpits if they pull through the harness.   Some of the dogs come off the harness before they get adopted and some of them are still on it when they are adopted and it is up to the adopted family if they want to continue using the harness.  I volunteer at a local shelter and we have successfully used the easy walk harness as tool to teach good leash manners to the dogs.  BTW, if a situation comes up where I think the dog will have a strong "lunging" reaction, I will put the dog on his collar as the harness doesn't feel safe when a dog is lunging at something/someone.


    • Gold Top Dog


    If you have used a no pull harness, which one do you use and why?  Did you try one and not like it?  If so, why? 

    Are you willing to try a different make or model?  If not, what no pull device did you settle on, or did you manage to train your dog not to pull and therefore simply not need the device?



    1. Honor and I live by the Easy-Walk.  It just works really well for both of us.  She responds very well to it, and the natural correction works for both of us (Honor slows down, which is nice for me, and then she gets treats for walking nicely, which she loves!).

    2. I'm willing to try most anything.  The Easy-Walk really works, but I'd be game to try other no-pull harnesses if the opportunity arose.  At this point, it's like "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Smile 

    Mind, the Easy-Walk is used in conjunction with positive training and lots and lots of treats!