Posted : 9/21/2011 3:34:40 PM
I started working on "look" more this morning (we were taught "look at me" in her puppy class but glossed over how useful it was as a command). I tried it between chuck-it throws and was pleased I could get her to look in my face at all with the loaded chuck-it in my hand. I had some very tasty treats. I will continue to work on this. I believe it will be very beneficial. Thanks!
Awesome! Your dog sounds very willing and smart, I'm sure this will be no problem.
I can attest to the value of a "look" command. I didn't do this with Nikon as much as I should have. With Pan I resolved to make it a main priority. As a puppy, I taught "look" above all else. When he was ready to start learning his formal competition heeling, he was so accustomed to looking at me, I didn't even have to teach him to heel, he just naturally focuses on my face and moves with me. He could heel for five minutes straight without taking his eyes off me before I even started introducing an actual command for heel. It's also given me more control over him in many situations. He has *always* been praised and rewarded for being in heel or front position and looking at my face. To him those are the best places in the world to be.