Posted : 7/18/2010 9:08:42 AM
I call it foraging because he's hunting for something interesting to eat or chase or even just smell. Not browsing the way many dogs do, but actively hunting.
That is a very good description of Bugsy. He rarely ever lays down when outside (he likes to sun in the winter on the deck for a few minutes now LOL) if he is out he is sniffing, looking, paws at various areas of ground (small holes everywhere in our yard), air scenting, hyper alert to movement, etc. He can and will do this for as long as you let him.
Although he can be a fun and playful dog most of his play is centered around hide and seek or interactive toys. Any toy you give him to play with on his own will be destroyed. We have played 'find it' inside and outside with him since he was a pup because that is his favorite thing to do.
Most of the trouble he gets into is when he feels ignored and he will go 'find' a high value item and show it to you LOL
He loves to play with other dogs but if you allow this in a 'new' environment he will just go into forage mode leaving even a best buddy standing alone - if the playdate is in our yard he will play.
In response to Lies and Jason although at one point I considered doing Schutzhund with B I would not try alone - unlike your dogs he is not from a known breeding with a predictable temperament and I don't have the skills you both have. He is too intense and too quick a learner to allow me any poor technique.
I say have a read of Panksepp
Can you tell me the name? I had a quick search and didn't come up with anything that sounded like what you referenced