Posted : 4/5/2010 9:11:08 PM
This is the sweetest thread! I love every post. It just shows how much love dogs bring in to our lives. That is easy to take for granted.
I don't even know where to begin with neiko. He's my heart dog so just about everything he does warms my heart. The way he adores my nieces is so hard to explain. You have to see it to understand. He makes a great therapy dog too. Just the other day I took him to home depot with me and while we were walking to the garden dept this woman stopped us and asked if she could pet him. Well, she proceeded to not only pet him but hug him too! He hugged her right back and licked her face. She explained how she had been having the worst day and needed that doggy hug so badly. She then walked me around the store, helping me get everything on my list - the 5 star treatment - stopping to love on neiko every 5 mins or so. Finally when my car was all loaded up she gave him one last hug, said thank you and that we made her whole day. I was so proud of him. That is what it is all about.
Abbie is my baby. She is my cuddler and always seems to know when I need to snuggle. She loves people and makes everyone smile with her wiggles and kisses.
Lily is just so innocent. She wants to please me so badly and wears her emotions on her sleeve. She's so expressive and when I call her she flies from where ever she is to get to me. I love taking her shopping. She turns in to a totally different dog. Perfectly behaved, total "I'm working with mom" mode.
And of course my heart melts at the way they treat each other. They can be so sweet to one another its amazing.
There's a million other reasons. These are just a few :)