Posted : 9/13/2009 8:19:57 AM
Unfortunately, a dog's optimal socialization period, when he or she learns to tolerate unfamiliar dogs (and novel situations), occurs between age 8-12 weeks. A dog that did not learn early to be social with others is always going to be at a disadvantage. That doesn't mean that you cannot desensitize your dog to the presence of other dogs nearby, but it takes lots of time and patience. You might want to find a "Feisty Fido" or "Growlies" class in your area. Or, you can try to work on this yourself if you don't have a facility nearby that offers such classes - two good books on the subject: "Click to Calm" by Emma Parsons, and "Feisty Fido" by Patricia McConnell. The fact is, however, that you may never have a dog that is comfortable with other dogs in close proximity. You might want to try to find a dog sitter who will come to your home so that your dog is not placed in a kennel environment, which is highly stressful to an under-socialized dog. There are some kennels that have individual "rooms" for dogs, but not many, so I think a pet sitter would be better. That way, your dog gets individual attention, and can feel secure, too.