Posted : 8/29/2009 7:49:29 AM
If you don't want to identify them by name, you can use initials. Would you tell me the ages and genders of each dog? Also, when did you get them, at what age, and are any of them related, and how. How much training has each dog had? Are the fights over any particular thing that you can identify, such as food, space, sleeping spot, etc.? Do any of them draw blood when they fight and which ones?
And, please stop the squirting and swatting - it clearly isn't working anyway, and I find that aggression from the owner usually tells the dogs that you are joining in, or that you are as panicked as some of them are. Leaders are quiet and purposeful. Your Boxer may actually be the more powerful dog if he does not join in - after all, he doesn't have to bluster, he could squish her in a second if he really needed to. Perhaps he's just waiting for the results of the "b*(&^ fight." For now, separate the female Boston from the other dogs. You may have a situation that is not easily resolvable without professional help, and even then... So, don't wait until a dog gets really damaged. Your fighter may just be happier and better off in a single dog household if you can find someone to take her. If this dog is not spayed, she should be. It will not likely help with the aggression, but if she was aggressive even as a pup, that isn't a temperament I would want to risk breeding for.