Posted : 5/18/2007 1:25:01 PM
How old is he?
Make sure he has plenty of things he CAN bite and chew on. Actively encourage him to use them and praise him like mad if he does! Whenever you interact with him have a chewie in your hand and let him bite the other end of it to keep his teeth busy - praise him for chewing the RIGHT thing. If histeeth touch you skin, say "ah ah" very sharply and encourage him to chew on the right thing - praise when he does. If he persists in going for your hands, legs, clothes, whatever, then turn away and ignore him completely. Leave the room if you have to. Make the line very thick and black: "Chew THIS = GOOD - Teeth touch skin/clothes = no fun at all". After a while I would phase out the redirection - still make sure that he has free access to plenty of safe chews and toys but just "switch off" when he bites you.
If he is teething then chill/freeze some of his chews/toys to help him with the pain as this will be exacerbating the problem.