Posted : 5/17/2007 11:16:11 PM
I'm a bit split on this, personally. [8D]
Part of this for me involves the "action" and "reaction" sequence and "who" is directing "whom" and intitiating the contact. But, it also has to do with a dog who is communicating a desire for physical contact by a gentle "asking" for the interaction, and not "demanding" the interaction through a pushy (dominant) demeanor and body language.
Be aware, that maybe something in your own demeanor has invited the dog to interact with you by sharing their paw - which is actually what I'm getting from your post.
So, in your case (although I'm not there to see with my own eyes) your dog is responding (reaction) to an intitiation (action) of physical contact by you in a gentle and appropriate way.
I am a
very tactile person with my dogs. They have all learned to use their paws very gently. I've had a couple of dogs who actually loved just holding "hands" with me. [

I can tell with my own dog whether or not she is asking or demanding. She is usually very calm, submissive, and polite, and communicates quite clearly when she is asking. [

With a demanding dog, Spiritdog's advice is very helpful in not rewarding the demanding behavior by reacting to the dog's actions, IMO.