My 3 year old Yellow Lab always jumps on people. She will not jump if someone has treats but once the treats run out, off she goes, jumping up and being a pest. It has gotten so extreme that she almost took down my 87 year old grandmother while trying to get out of the car and wouldn't leave my aunt alone. She also jumped on the couch while my cousin was on it and practically made her into a slobbery pancake. We tried using a crate when people come in but that just made her bark constantly. She also bolts out the door when my friends are coming/leaving and keeps jumping on them and will not come inside unless I physically chase her down and catch her. She has run over to my neighbors yard and bothered her while trying to get into her car. My neighbor actually had to resort to the safety of her car and later told me that she was about to phsically hit her (not with the car) to get her away. We have tried to restrain her by holding her collar but she almost drug me over. My dad thinks chokers are cruel and insists on just using treats. BTW i'm 13. She also runs away when off lead outfront and almost got hit by a car once and on Halloween chased some trick-or-treaters down the street. That one was actually kind of funny though :-P