chihuahua territorial with new dog

    • Puppy

    chihuahua territorial with new dog

    recently my 16 yo step daughter moved in with us and brought her 5 yo nuetered Chihuahua Junior with her. he was snippy and growly to begin with, with people and animals, but then we added Axl, a 5 yo  papillon, also neutered and it's gotten much worse. Junior  REALLY doesnt like Axl to even get near him, he growls and snaps at him even though Axl is very submissive.


    now he's started pooping in the house, something that wasnt a problem in the past. anyone have any ideas on getting him to stop?


    • Gold Top Dog

    Forgive me if I'm missing something or misunderstanding something.  There is a snippy, growly dog in residence who doesn't like people or animals and another dog is added to the household?

    I can't understand that reasoning unless perhaps the Pap was desperately in need of a home.  Whatever the reason for adding another dog, you need to consult a professional.  Preferably a veterinary behaviorist.  Good luck.

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