Posted : 8/11/2013 6:45:34 AM
Willy is my challenge dog. He is too smart for his own good, a real problem solver. You can actually see his head move as he checks my hand before he decides to follow a command. "No treat? No work, sorry Mum."
My trainer said that "I" trained him this way, ha haaa. Of course, it is always the handler's fault! I'd give a command, he ignored it. Gave it again, ignored again. Went and got a treat, he'd see me go to the fridge, and then yes, he paid attention. OR, when he kept ignoring me, I'd take the treat out of my pocket and THEN he'd pay attention.
So the training has to back up a bit. Put the dog on a leash, so s/he can't walk away. Then WAIT HER OUT. Don't move your hand for the treat in your pocket. We've moved too fast, before the dog was ready, to giving commands when the dog is not contained, but has access to lots of distractions - the rest of the house, the rest of the yard. Back it up, start at the beginning and rework that.
Willy? He has me trained REALLY well -- I don't even try to give him a command without a treat in hand!
My other dogs are NOT like this.