Posted : 2/5/2013 10:49:19 PM
Yeah I have to agree with the other replies, your pup just sounds bored. Make sure you go for a long walk each morning before your work day begins to expel some puppy energy. When she starts acting up indoors during the day, use your TV/book time to give her attention/pats/tug-o-war, or go outside for a game of fetch or another walk.
Also if barking is particularly an issue, look into training her to bark on command using a rewards-based system - this might decrease the amount of barking she does when not asked to. If barking is just something she enjoys, give her something else to do - if you don't have the time or energy to take her outside or play throughout the day, make sure she's got lots of toys around to keep her occupied, or let her into a large but enclosed area (backyard?) outside or on a long leash in your yard for short periods of time so she can take in the smells/chase birds/get a change of scenery.
Though it should be said that you've invested in a puppy, it would be a shame for both of you to have her kept outdoors by herself and waste the opportunities for play and bonding interactions/training time just to watch TV... find relaxing but enjoyable activities you can do with your puppy instead!