Posted : 1/5/2013 6:50:46 PM
I'd say she needs more time to adjust to her new surroundings. Early socialization period is about over for her. Some breeders don't have time to do much with pups and others do. There are several things that affect a dogs ability to adjust to a new home quickly and genetics does play a big part in temperment.
She may never be a super confident dog but I bet she'll adjust in a few weeks. When she's more comfortable I love playing a recall game with two people. You and your daughter can sit on the floor, opposite each other, about fifteen or twenty feet apart. Each has treats and take turns enticing her to come to them, back and forth. It's best if the game is fast paced with quick treat delivery and the other person enticing the pup as soon as the other person has delivered the treat.
I don't use the word I plan on using as my formal recall word when I'm not sure the pup will respond. I like to clap hands or say things like "puppy, puppy" or anything really, using a higher pitched tone than my normal voice. Most pups love to play this game. When she's running back and forth confidently, the people playing can start saying "good here or good come" when she's coming toward them. If she starts to seem bored end the game. In fact, I like to end it before they get bored so they're more excited the next time to play.
Puppy class is a great idea and having your daughter participate is a super idea, depending on her age. :)
ETA Added a little clarification above. I'm not sure of the age of your children. This game is best played with a child older than six. Younger kids might not understand the concept and might not get the timing right when delivering the treat. You and your husband could play if your kids are too young. :)