Destroys Everything!!

    • Puppy

    Destroys Everything!!

    My lovely German Shepard/ St. Bernard puppy is destroying my house. She is very anixious being left alone, and chews on everything while we are gone, we have tried to make her, her own room but she is a hudini and has figured out how to get out a locked door. She jumps through windows. She is generally well mannered and just chills when we are home. Its only while we are gone that she cause problems. I havent been able to find a crate that is big enough for her. Any advice on how to keep her calm while we arent home.
    • Gold Top Dog

    There is a lot you can do to help her overcome her anxiety.  Patricia McConnell PhD has a booklet called I'll Be Home Soon and it's very helpful for this problem.  Here's a link to an article by Dr. Sophia Yin that outlines how you can start teaching your dog to be calm when you're gone.

    It takes time but these methods work.  Good luck.

    • Puppy
    Exactly. Anxiety seems like a huge hurdle but it is a surprisingly simple thing to get a handle on. Like with every other training method, you have to be patience about results but there is probably nothing more rewarding or exciting than knowing that your poochie is going to be fine when you go out for work. It is something a lot of people experience and I commend you for trying to fix it. Remember, perseverance is key! Good luck to you.