Posted : 8/10/2012 2:08:06 PM
Everyone is correct --
A. It can be really tough to clean something 'well enough' for a dog to lose interest. And I've had several dogs who LOVED the taste of vinegar (pickles in articular)
B. the theory is -- and I'm way over-simplifying this -- generally obsessive-compulsive behavior will generally be "carpet licking" - pretty much different places all over but triggered by whatever caused him to go into the behavior.
So -- if he's just after some *thing* on that particular spot he shouldn't randomly just commence licking somewhere new, But neither do you want to handle this in a way that will CAUSE him to want to lick elsewhere. You may remember if someone spilled something there, but if you live in an apartment or rental, then it could have been a spot where a prior tenant's dog had an accident -- and that could be several places thru the home or apartment. In other words, you don't want to conclude it's OCD if he's just after every place the other guy's dog had an accident!!
To start with -- the FIRST thing I'd do is pull a solid piece of furniture or something HEAVY over that spot he's licking and totally obliterate it or make it impossible for him to get to it.
You have to be really careful not to inadvertently reinforce this -- what Jackie said about distracting him completely away, give him something to *do* to totally divorce him from the whole area so he doesn't get to fixate on it.
But putting somethng like a pillow there will either make a game of it or worse.