Posted : 10/4/2011 9:05:51 PM
Oh, I hadn't even considered that; that's possible. But I pretty much have to pick him up to carry him upstairs (going up stairs is bad for their back)
I guess I could make him sleep outside, but we don't have a dog house and I would feel bad.
We're going to the vet this weekend, so hopefully we can find the problem. Does that mean I should stop taking him for walks until we go to the vet? Because I generally take him for a walk every day, and let him run around outside.
I would keep him on leash for the walks until you know what's going on. Limit running and jumping as much as possible. And no, he shouldn't sleep outside, just lure him with food to get him to come in. Being a terrier, he'll use his nose to follow, instead of his eyes. If he has to go up stairs, take it slowly (luring still) and make sure he takes each step. If you do have to pick him up, give him a real yummy goodie, and pick him up gently, making sure his butt/back is supported.