Posted : 9/4/2011 9:01:51 AM
New, or maybe he wasn't quite ready for the freedom, or is just always going to be a chewer by nature? I made this mistake with Nikon. He *seemed* over the GSD landshark chew everything phase so I gave him free reign and for several months, he was fine but then one day he tasted a photo album, then a throw pillow, etc. So for several months he was free in the house without incident but now at 3 years old he is confined to one area. I like this arrangement better anyway, each dog has their own part of the house so they have a large area but can't start any mischief together while I'm not there. Coke has never been a chewer so his area of the house is the bedrooms and living rooms which contains the sensitive items (books, decorative things). Nikon gets the kitchen and the basement, nothing really in the kitchen to grab and the basement is already dog proofed. In our case it was not a medical or emotional problem with the dog, just a dog that really likes to chew given the opportunity and will probably always have to be managed.
I also crate him on occasion as well to keep up with crate training. That was really important when he had a foot infection and had to be on crate rest without getting anxious in a crate.