Posted : 4/17/2011 1:40:56 PM
If you post them online, you can make notes/comments. You don't have to make them public. Plus, right before your next sessions you can simply review and go, "Oh, jeez, we really need to work on X"
I guess at the end of each training session, just write down your notes in a book, then. I don't understand where you're not sure where to start? "Worked on X. Doing well on this piece of X. Need to figure out why this piece of X she's coming around crooked. Plan to work more of this piece using blah blah next time."
I mean, when I'm seriously training, I'm able to keep track mentally of what I want to accomplish w/the next session, and things just come up in the moment and I work them right then. But I realize w/multiple dogs and potential delays between training session, it's helpful to have a written note to remind yourself of the things you want to address next time. They have a Rally O workbook, but... I don't find working under someone else's time table very good for Rally. It's good for Retrieves, not so much the Rally stuff, which is 80% teaching where HEEL is, forward, backward, no matter which way the handler turns.