Posted : 4/16/2011 1:11:41 PM
I used to mention this before in other debates here and a former member really got tired of it.
I trained my work crews the way I train my dog, preferring to reward their successes than to punish extensively their mistakes. It worked wonders. Except for this one guy who was sent to my project to hand one section of it. Within a day or so, he was walking around watching what my guys are doing and telling them what they should be doing. Next morning, he comes in and starts telling me what the plan should be for the day. I literally, physically barked, like a dog, very, very loudly. He actually flinched in the sonic onslaught. Then, in my normal, quiet voice, I said, "This is my fire hydrant." And I told him what the plan was and never had another problem from him.
Some people are like that. And my bark had meaning because I don't bluff, I don't bully. The point of the exercise is that I can and will talk over him, louder than him, and will maintain my position, allowing him to back away and mark his own fire hydrant. So, like a true dog confrontation, we exchanged barks, mine was louder, we established perimeters and working rules and got along fine.