Posted : 12/1/2010 3:20:49 PM
Honestly, I'm going to also encourage you to crate this boy while you are gone.
It's not cruel -- dogs are den animals and it actually encourages them to *sleep*. But particularly with this dog -- he's **worrying** while you are gone. He's not having fun enjoying his "freedom" (which is a human concept, not a dog one) - he's really unhappy ... hence his attempts to 'find' a substitute.
Place his crate in a bedroom with someone he's particularly fond of -- then he's surrounded by "sleep smell" (another dog concept -- the smell of someone asleep is a relaxed and comforting smell to them.)
Before you leave, put him in his crate and let him know when you'll return. You don't need huge long explanations -- typically you can boil down activities into one of 3-4 phrases that they learn. I tell mine "I love Billy, I love Luna and I love Tinkerbell (looking at each in turn). Mom's gotta go to work. See ya later!"
And I/we substitute "Mom's gotta go shopping" or Mom's gotta go do an errand" -- see "work" is all day but home before dark. "shopping" can be pretty much any length of time but I'll come home with BAGS (groceries, or whatever). But it helps them identify the length of time with something concrete for them. It takes the mystery out of it.
You have a very smart dog there -- just give him some phrases to identify what's going on and alleviate his concern.
While you're gone he'll simply sleep and then be ready to play with whomever returns first.
See the problem is -- he may not only hoard things -- he may chew or ingest them -- which is dangerous. You may periodically want to give him a different item. Just pass it around amongst yourselves so it gets each human's scent on it.