Posted : 10/16/2010 3:18:33 PM
I thought you'd get a kick out of his pee accuracy. All things considered I think it's hysterical. At least when he did it when Moxie & Abbie were here I had no doubt what he was telling me. "Mooom, I don't like these girls, just sayin'". Now that it's just G, DH & me it's a little different. A lot of things have changed in the house since January 14 (when Maghee died). The only crature I knew who was more of a creature of habit than G was Aspen. He was alot like Julie's Lily. I could almost predict when he was going to pee in the house. Then he had to keep me on my toes & he'd throw in a random on just for giggles.
I have a vet appointment and an animal communicator appointment this week. He could just very well be smelling some Aspen residue that I missed. I don't know. We'll see. I have been trying to spend more quality time with him & he seems to be enjoying that. He's also trying t obe the lap dog that Maghee & Aspen were. I'm trying to make him work for whatever he receives & he's doing pretty well with that.