Posted : 10/29/2010 7:01:08 AM
Why would you reward something you didn't ask for? If I am shaping something, I don't put a cue to it, until the behavior is what I want. Right now, if I have a dumbell and clicker in my hand, my dog is going to start doing stuff to the dumbell. She'll lick it, bump it with her nose, rub her head on it, and paw it. I'll click the nose bump, which causes more nose bumps. Eventually, I click harder nose bumps only, then tooth touches only, and eventually, it'll be behind the canines, only. Now, though? This behavior has no name. If I called it, "Take it", and accidentally rewarded a lick, she might decide that, "Take it", means lick your dumbell wildly. Dogs are funny that way!