Not sure if this should be here or in training, it sort of has to do with both.
As I've mentioned before Finn has issues with meeting new people. He will not let a new person touch him, in fact he will bark and lunge at them (however he has never tried to bite). I have to be very careful with him in public because this behavior is just not safe. I don't know why it developed or how to appropriately fix it myself. I have tried some methods, but I always get stuck because I am afraid of him getting too close. My fear only began after this behavior started. He will calm down and greet someone, but it does take some time and the person just ignoring him, which most people don't do, even when I ask them to.
I have been seeing a trainer/behaviorist for almost 3 years now. Benny started with her finishing basic class, earning his CGC, and doing some agility and rally. Now Finn and I have been working with her from basic class, CGC, and now rally. Finn competed in a rally trial in May and earned third place on the first day, but the second day he barked and lunged at the judge (she was quite old and moved differently)...somehow he still earned fourth place. I thought for sure he would be disqualified, but no. I have also done some private behavioral sessions with her, but felt I didn't really get what I really needed. I don't think she understood the severity of the problem and only heard certain things. I think she is a great trainer, always up to date with new training techniques and Finn loves going to class (except the golden who is in our class...he does not like him).
My question is this, would it be bad to go to a different behaviorist for Finn's issue, even though I have gone to my original trainer all these years. I don't think I will mention to either that I am seeing someone else, although the behaviorist will need to know what training he has had and she will know he is in rally.
ETA: He isn't so much lunging, he is jumping up at them. Not growling or snapping, but I think still trying to be unfriendly. DH thinks he is protecting me. He doesn't really do this sort of thing when he is with DH or with a friend of mine who has taken him places before. When we were at the Walk for the Cure with my friend and her dog, he didn't bark at a single person all day. Not sure what was so different though. When DH took him to the vet's office he didn't bark or have any issues. He wasn't crazy about them touching him, however, he wasn't as crazy as when I took him.