Posted : 9/6/2010 10:49:29 AM
I like Jackie's point. The past is past and today is today.
I had two eating issues with Shadow but one remains. First issue. When I first got him, he had food bowls suitable for a puppy 1/4 his size. I got adult-sized bowls. For a while, even with a full bowl, he would only eat the amount that would fit in the puppy bowl. It took a while for him to realize that he could more than that at one sitting. But he still only eats about 1.5 cups to maybe 2 cups and that is due to his Siberian metabolism. They never eat a lot at one time.
The other issue is that he will not eat unless I am present. Part of that may be due to the ritual he started of chasing the kong once or twice before eating. Or it may that he is group oriented and only eats in the presence of his group. OTOH, he has hunted and eaten cotton rats. And chewed on a bird. And played with a squirrel until it died (he has yet to actually eat a squirrel and I'm not sure he knows how.) We can go out of town for a day or two with a full bowl of food left out for him and he won't eat. He may get one morsel, now and then. A dog can go for some days without food. But he drinks water and I always have two big water bowls outside, filled.
We're not gone very often and when we get back, we bring in the baggage and my very next thing is to feed him, before I unpack. By then, he will eat two cups. True, it means I can't travel for work but then, I'm not interested in travelling for work. So, it's probably good that I'm not a rock star.