Posted : 5/20/2009 8:04:24 PM
but because
some dogs will be affected by bacteria that would not necessarily affect another dog with a different constitution. The question is, how do you know which dogs, and what will the end result be?
Very true. I do that I'm playing rush-n-rulett sorta speak. It would help greatly if I could find a true co-op source of meats that I trusted, but it seems that Colorado is not the best place to opt for homecooking let alone raw diets in terms of finding meat at an affordable price.
I like to feed Dakota pre-made raw diets; i.e. Bravo, Stella & Chewies (of which he did GREAT on), and Primal cause he's such a small dog and it's affordable for him, cause he can't have RMB's due to his constant issue with choking.
I think the Stella's was ok, I honestly feel the issue came in with the Bravo; however, one is taking a chance simply just with feeding dogs anymore it appears. I mean, you can't always trust dry dog food to not have contaminants either, that's the freaky thing when some automatically think that the raw diet has substantial amounts of bacteria, however, what's hiding in the dry dog food??
Just a tad frustrated....don't mind me...just blowing off you think you're on a roll with everyone doing good, and then boom, there goes $200 for a vet bill due to possibly anything that set his system off.
I do know this bacteria IS part of the canine system, just would like to know what set it off .....for sure. So I don't make the same mistake...this is one little guy that's already been through enough in his 4-5 short years of life, thus far.
For now, the permanent diet for this little guy is going back to cooked meats, with an abundance of veggies...he seems to have a high need for fiber.
Thanks for listening to me ramble