Obesity in Dogs? An Article by Robert Abady

    • Gold Top Dog

    That's the beauty of the internet, we all become instant experts and know more than the manufacturers. 

    Seems to a lot of that around here.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Perhaps the 10 people in the world who feed Abady have never had a problem?

    Perhaps you can troll the 9 other people out there and conduct a survey on obesity in dogs?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Moderator speaking...

    General message for ALL...

    Personally directed back and forth can cease, now. Discuss the topic...that being the article posted, or move along.


    • Gold Top Dog


     OK, do a well-designed feed study on great dane puppies the way Eaglepack did and then I'll believe you. Until then, I sincerely hope no dogs get damaged by your foods.

    Why should I believe any studies done by Eaglepack anymore than you believe in studies done by Abady research?  Any peer-review studies or pub med reports backing up Eaglepack claims?  Never mind, I'm sure Purina sponsored some backing up their claims....birds of a feather...you know.  Abady has been in business longer so their research more in depth I'm sure.  Probably a good idea for Eaglepack to keep calcium levels low to match up with the lower levels of animal source proteins.

    Hope no dogs get damaged by Abady?  You could be in for a long wait.  Let me know if you hear of any recalls.  I'm sure there is owner that has a dog with 3.9 paws in the graveyard.  The owner will try Abady after being a skeptic for 10 years then blame the food when the dog has the big one 5 seconds later.  Must have been the Abady.

    • Gold Top Dog

    My sister's in laws have a husky who has always eaten a diet of *crap*....i..e Science Diet.

    For years this dog ONLY eats when she's absolutely hungry...possibly once every other day, and she IS as skinny as a rail..guess this means she's getting good nutrients and doesn't need a healthier (tastier) diet??

    By the way, she's aged FAR earlier then her years, has horrible hips, hair and skin smells terrible. Beautiful girl, she just looks so miserable.

    They've always barked at me that I must be feeding diets loaded with sugar; i..e Innova, Cal Natural, etc. cause my dogs will eat FAR more then necessary if I let them, even after eating very sufficient amounts of food.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Yeah...you're right.  It is irrelevant as to how much "animal protein" is in the food when there is a high amount of calcium.  The high amount of calcium will STILL make the dog's bones grow super fast...even if the tissue mass can keep up....rapid growth is still rapid growth.  You are just asking for trouble in this situation and I cannot believe he would sit there and say that as if he knew anything about a word he was saying.

    I wonder if these owners here are concerned about too high of a calcium content putting their Great Danes in danger.   Judging by the ribbons I see, I don't think they are concerned. http://www.countryrun.com/greatDanes.htm

    • Gold Top Dog

    I wonder if these owners here are concerned about too high of a calcium content putting their Great Danes in danger.

    Considering they sell the product I wonder how independent their view is.


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