Anyone use horse joint supplements for their dogs?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Anyone use horse joint supplements for their dogs?

    After pricing dog Gluc/Chon/MSM supplements I decided there has to be a cheaper way. I have used them for horses that I used to own and thought it was ridiculous that cost per daily dose for a 1,000# horse was lower than the cost for a 50 pound dog! I ended up ordering 1 lb of a powdered horse supplement. After figuring out the amount of Gluc/Chon/MSM in each horse-sized dose and dividing it down to get the recommended dog dose it comes out that I'll need about 1 tsp per day. That means a $12 jar of powder will last me about 3 months.

    My only concern is that it is in an alfalfa base. I may have to mix it in with a bit of canned food if Blackhawk leaves it in his dish. Has anyone else tired this? What brands did you try and what doseage? How well did it work for you?
    • Gold Top Dog
    Isn't that something?????   I don't know the answer to your post..I just wanted to say that is sick that you can give 1000 horses Glu. supplement cheaper than a 50 lb. dog.  I HATE the drug companies...probably the vitamin companies just the same. They know people won't spend tons of money on their horses but the family dog is something they raise the price that much.  Thats just plain SICK!
    Its like the dog breeders that give Ivermectin (I believe thats the one) made for cattle...and give it to their dogs in a much smaller form,,,so much cheaper.  
    It sure makes me wonder how much mark-up is on dog food too.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Some questions for you... what are the ingredients? Is it ONLY a glucosamine/chondroitin supplement? Is it FDA approved? I'm not sure if an overdose of glucosamine would hurt anything, but it would be much easier to screw up the dosage for a dog than a horse if the concentration is a little bit off.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I've used several horse supplements that give a dog dosage on the label. I wish I could remember one in particular. My big problem with the horse supplements is that often they include grain products, yuck.

    If you shop around online, you can often find good prices on supplements specifically made for dogs. My favorites are the liquids.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I use corta flx for my horses.  I use the powered form but I do believe it comes in a liquid too.  [link][/link] is the cheapest place I have found to buy it :)
    • Bronze
    If you shop around online, you can often find good prices on supplements specifically made for dogs. My favorites are the liquids.
    ORIGINAL: brookcove

    If you could get back to us with specifics that would be highly groovy.  I want to start my 18 month old on a liquid but don't want something taste doctored (sweetened) for humans.
    On another msg board someone asked about
    Now Foods, Glucosamine & Chondroitin with MSM, 16 fl oz   [linkid=NOW-03175];pid=NOW-03175[/link] >;pid=NOW-03175];pid=NOW-03175[/link] 
    which seems reasonably priced (depending on dosage) but no one had experience with giving it to their dog(s).  I'd like to hear from someone who has had a good experience with something. 
    I'm wondering if a raw chicken wing a day might have as much usable glucosamine, chondroitin etc as the supplements.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Liquid Health makes a TWO canine liquid joint supplements. It's flavored for dogs (I think they use liver?).
    • Gold Top Dog
    This is an interesting question... I actually have tried some equine products on JJ after seeing the HUGE price difference.
    The very first joint supplememt we used was by Liquid Health and it is the Equine 5000 series. I no longer use that one regularly as the bottle costs over $55 [:o] and he seems to do just as well on the liquid health brand that has lower levels of gluc/ msm and these are in the $30 range...
    After using the liquid health ;product for horses and dogs I began to wonder about trying other product specific for horses but the one I tried didn't seem to give as good of results, not sure WHAT the difference was ... this is what I tried  
    • Gold Top Dog
    Your wish is my command. My favorite is the following link but I'm so lazy at ordering it - I hate having to order something by itself and prefer to throw the dog supplements in with my sheep order, especially at lambing time when I'm getting something every week.

    It's an awful web site but I've ordered from them many times and they really are good folks. There's one place where it says it's "punch flavored" but the dog formula is liver flavored as it says in most of the web site. It really does seem to be slightly more effective - it's most noticeable if you are changing, or comparing how long it takes to "load" - much less time for results to be seen, for the Canine Cortaflex. I was able to get away with just a half teaspoon for a forty pound dog after a month of treatment, so the dose is less than for some others I've seen. YMMV.

    My second favorite as far as bang for your buck is actually a tablet - Arthramine Advance - it's widely available. If you are dosing a big dog this stuff works out as much more cost effective. And it does work well.

    Canine Corta=Flx is similiar to the one with the similiar name, but I'm not as happy with it. Seems to take more to get the results.

    I used Arthrisoothe Gold on my oldster dog that was really ouchy - there's antiinflammatories in it besides the joint support ingredients. I've heard similiar results for DGP and in the future would probably go that route to manage pain.

    And my vet highly recommends SynoviCre and we've had excellent results with it - but the price blows us out of the water.

    ETA: After thinking about the dose difference between the horse and dog products, I bet the problem people are seeing in effectiveness is a difference in metabolism. The dog dose is usually only about a quarter to a third that of the horse - there's often a little scoop with two ends, one for horses and one for dogs. If that's the case, maybe that would explain the price difference?
    • Gold Top Dog
    The one I'm going to try is Corta-Flx. Similar name but different product than Cortaflex. It's gotten good reviews from Horse Journal (the equine equivalent of Whole Dog Journal). They have a doggie version, but it costs way more per dose than the adjusted horse dose, so I thought I'd try this one.

    If I don't have good luck with it I'll try some of the other brands you guys have recommended. There are so many to choose from it get's confusing! I'm trying to keep my supplement costs as low as possible because everything adds up so fast with two dogs and two cats. I've already got dog food at about $50/month, cat food about $30/month, thyroid $10/month, Kitty litter $15/month. That's about $100 per month for the necessities. I don't even want to guess how much I spend on toys and treats. $10-$15 per month for joint supplement doesn't sound like much unless you've seen what's left of my paycheck after the basics are covered! (God, I hope my hubby doesn't see this!)
    • Gold Top Dog
    Corta Flex works great for horses, and dogs :)  My parent's dog gets the powdered equine Corta Flex as a joint supplement.  I used to use Corta Flex liquid for my horse, but I found that Equinyl CM works better (although it is REALLY expensive, so I wouldn't recommend it for dogs unless you had the money).  
    • Gold Top Dog
    I've already got dog food at about $50/month, cat food about $30/month, thyroid $10/month, Kitty litter $15/month. That's about $100 per month for the necessities. I don't even want to guess how much I spend on toys and treats. $10-$15 per month for joint supplement doesn't sound like much unless you've seen what's left of my paycheck after the basics are covered! (God, I hope my hubby doesn't see this!)

     I FEEL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I spend over $110 a month JUST on kibble for the dogs only. I think my bills come to almost $400 a month for the essentials for 2 dogs and 2 cats so I FEEL you on the need to cut costs when you can..  let us know how it works!    [:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    My parent's dog gets the powdered equine Corta Flex as a joint supplement

    Do you know what dosage they use? I'm pretty sure I've got the right one figured out, but it doesn't hurt to know for sure!
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: jenhuedepohl

    My parent's dog gets the powdered equine Corta Flex as a joint supplement

    Do you know what dosage they use? I'm pretty sure I've got the right one figured out, but it doesn't hurt to know for sure!

    My cosequin uses 500 mg for every 50 lbs as a maintenance level, and double that for loading dose (first 4-6 weeks)
    • Gold Top Dog
    I think it actually has a dosage for dogs on there.  I believe it is 1 teaspoon for every 50lbs.