Posted : 10/12/2010 7:04:44 PM
Don't get me wrong, Janice. I will feed Shadow as best I can for as long as I can and lately, I have been feeding him Fresh Pet Select, with just a little kibble mixed in to keep him used to eating kibble. And I am really jazzed on the idea of more raw or lightly cooked meals.
It's just as likely heredity and age, too. What I like about the Fresh Pet is that it shows less fat than the kibble. Shadow is predominately Siberian Husky but he is also Lab. A Lab breeder once appraised him for me and estimated that Shadow was at least 80 perecent Siberian, at least in the appearances. And I know he is, as far as temperment and metabolism. My vet also estimates a high percentage of Siberian because Shadow has the bone density of Siberian, which is why he only weighs 65 lbs at 26 inches to the shoulder. Most full Labs at 24 + inches can weigh 80 lbs or better. But he is still part Lab. And he is a little over 7 years old, now (approximate birthday is the last week of July, 2003.)
But, for others who's dogs need some of these prescription diets or are doing well on whatever they are fed, so be it.
Yeah, I am frustrated. And it is a reminder that time marches on. Sibes live 12 to 14 years, on average. But I knew of a Sibe who was 16 years old a few years ago and she has always eaten big name brand kibble, never any "human food" (her owner's words) and the only thing about her old age is that she could still run fast, just not for as long as an hour and she was getting far-sighted (common malady in geriatric Sibes is coronal dystrophy or hampered ability to change focus.)
But, as Shadow has aged, I feed him more raw, mainly deer main leg bones with meat and stuff still on them. What I like about those bones is that when they crack, they crack clean, not a bunch of shards.
And I agree with you. At times, I think we can do better feeding our dogs. I totally believe that dogs are omnivores, with a large leaning toward meat. Shadow still eats grass. And yeah, one can say that he doesn't get as much nutrition out of eating grass but it may provide regularity. But there is that. So, some vegetable matter should be included if for nothing else than bowel and colon stimulation.
But even some of the high priced "premium" foods use beet pulp. Shadow has never eaten beets and shows no interest in them.
But each dog is an individual.
I get deer meat and bones from my friend,. John. He hunts deer with a .50 cal black powder muzzle loader. His dad used to breed Beagles and always fed the dogs raw meat and bones, including ribs. One time, John had me smoke some deer ribs and they turned out so well that John said he would "never again waste ribs on the dogs." So, my prowess on the grill shall be responsible for Beagles in Oklahoma not getting ribs (though they get other parts.)