Posted : 12/28/2009 2:22:00 PM
I find it funny that you say your dog is picky and that its driving you nuts, and then you feed it roast beef and veggies or chicken and rice. Your answer is right there, along with the fact that you are overfeeding.
Now, I have nothing whatsoever against homecooking. I feed a raw diet mixed with cooked and kibble on occasion. My dogs eat whatever I give them, no if ands or buts. If they didn't I'd not give them something else. So if you don't mind cooking for you dog, by all means do so, but don't get stressed when she turns her nose up and refuses something. She's only holding out for something better.
Also, if you are overfeeding, and you keep offering her something better and better, eventually she's not going to be able to refuse, and then you will have an obese dog on your hands. Obesity leads to all kinds of problems in animals, just like humans. The biggest being decreased lifespan, but joint problems is another, diabetes, all kinds of things that will cost you in the long run. I see way way too many fat JRT's that it almost looks strange to see one in good shape.
So, if she's holding a good weight, and she's got tons of energy, and she's alert, looks healthy in coat, teeth and gums, don't worry about her not eating as much as you want her to. She's fine. Redefine your ideal amount to suit her, not what you think looks good in the bowl.