Rusty's Momma
Posted : 11/6/2009 8:59:13 AM
I have not seen ANY flea dirt or fleas, and anytime in the past when our cat has had fleas, I'm the first one to know because they attack me!
I have had him since 12 weeks old, and he is now 7 months. I'm googling Demodex right now (maybe I know what it is but have never heard it called this?)...okay, no he does not have mites. We had a St. Bernard years ago that had that as a pup from the breeder, so I know how to recognize it, and no signs of that.
He is an inside dog - we are firm believers that if you're going to have a dog as a pet, it certainly should not be thrown outside to live. What is the point of having it if its outside and not providing companionship?
The skin itself looks fine - as a pup when I first got him, he had dry skin around his neck (I coudl see the dandruff and it was scabby from his scratching.) Now its smooth and no signs of dandruff or anything.
I live in Vermont. Right now its getting colder and drier, but he has scratched all summer so winter around the corner will probably add to his itching if he gets drier skin, but it was an issue before.