What is your kibble topper recipe?
I am currently feeding sojos original recipe again, but they changed the formula somewhat and now my 2 bichon girls in particular have the same face staining and yeasty feet/lip fold that they do on kibble. So I was thinking of trying Innova low fat out for them plus some home cooked kibble toppers. My old minpin could eat just about anything and you'd never notice much of a difference in him, really.
What I've done for toppers in the past is brown a pound of meat (rotate beef, turkey, chicken, pork) throw in maybe an egg once in a while and ground veggies. Just give a spoonful over their kibble with each meal- I feed twice daily. I also use plain organic yogurt for them, which seems to help my girls the most with their yeasty beasts.
What's your topper recipe?