We just finished up our first in a series of agility seminars being held by a very well-known agility trainer. We're following the Greg Derret Handling System, and we're having so much fun! In our class are four border collies, a Pap, my Schnauzer, and a Jack Russell Terrier. They are all-day seminars, where the goal is to learn hands-on and practice, then to go home and continue working on it. It's offered seminar-style because where we live there aren't a lot of local trainers or clubs without leaving the province to try and do it (it's just not feasible to travel 6 hours once per week to do it!).
This first class was all about foundations - shaping with a clicker, nose targetting, body awareness, jump prep, circle work, attention and focus work, restrained recalls, and crate games - all those things you need to develop a strong working relationship.
We quickly identified where Gaci needs the most work:
- focus and attention, which we expected. She is as terrier as they come, and wants to sniff, hunt, and explore the world. But she's also a quick learner, so it won't be too hard to gain strong focus.
- right-side positioning. I never taught her to walk in a focused-position on my right side, and she doesn't care for it. LOL. She thinks the left is the place to be! So we'll have lots of work in walking (eventually running) on my right side with good focus.
- the crate games. The other thing that's "new" to her, which is a self-control game taught using the kennel. But she already grasps the concept, we just have to make it stronger.
Anyway, we head back over this weekend for another day! Can't wait, Gaci did superb (especially with her fear issues, the trainer was very impressed). I can't wait, this week we begin working on hind end awareness, 2 on-2 off contacts, and more! Squee! I'm gonna have my agility girl now before too long! LOL.