buster the show dog
Posted : 1/14/2009 8:31:04 PM
The basic ASCA titles are STD, OTD, and ATD which stand for started, open and advanced trial dog. Those titles are followed by the suffixes d, c, and s meaning the title was earned on ducks, cattle or sheep. So, SDTds, OTDc would mean the dog had earned a started level title on ducks and sheep and an open level title on cattle.
Once a dog earns an ATD on all three types of stock the dog is awarded a WTCH which stands for Working Trial Champion.
PATD stands for "Post Advanced Trial Dog" and, as the name implies, is a course for dogs who have already earned an Advanced title on a given type of livestock.
RTD stands for Ranch Trial Dog. This is a more variable course meant to replicate more realistic general "farm dog" chores, as opposed to the more or less identical course that is used for the STD, OTD, and ATD.
Some of the dogs also had titles from the American Herding Breeds association. HTD stands for Herding Trial Dog, and is a sorta miniaturized version of a Border Collie course, held in a more open field than the arena courses offered by ASCA. The numbers at the end I, II, and III represent novice, intermediate, and advanced levels, and the letter suffixes again refer to the type of stock. HRD stands for Herding Ranch Dog. Again, this is a more variable course that is supposed to reflect realistic farm work, with the same suffixes as the HTD titles. And HATD stands for Herding Arena Trial Dog, and is, as the name suggests, a course set up in an arena more the size of what is typically used in ASCA, although the course is somewhat more complex than the ASCA arena courses.