Posted : 12/30/2011 11:57:50 PM
I talked with three different judges at Cher's last trial about the send to jump. All three indicated, to me, handlers would be allowed to slow down or stop if need be so that they would not pass the jump before the dog was back in heel position. That said, all three complained that the AKC hadn't done much to help clarify the rule changes, so they could all be totally wrong. Two candidly said that they were hopeful that the AKC would put out a video, much like their Beginner's Novice one, to give everyone, judges & exhibitors alike, a better idea of what is expected.
Cher & I have played with it some, & for her, the easiest way has been to send her over the jump, then turn her back to the left to go the long way around the jump, then she can come right back into heel position. I'm not sure that this is an allowable thing, but it's the safest way for her to do the station. I was a bit worried about how much longer it would take sending her the long way around but, after timing her, I'm fairly confident that the extra 0.6 seconds that it takes to get back to heel isn't that big of a deal. She's a very quick dog, so we can make up that time elsewhere on the course.
While I love that the AKC is making rally more challenging, I hate this sign. It hasn't been explained to anyone worth a flip, & it's a huge space sucker in an already crowded ring.
I'm also amused that the new regs start on a Sunday. I'm actually searching for a trial on the weekend of March 31/April 1 because I want to run one day with old regs & the next with the new ones. Unless Cher has a huge brain fart, she'll definitely be, at the least, in excellent, at best, running both advanced & excellent. I really hope that show superintendents are prepared & can make all of the necessary changes overnight.