Posted : 6/25/2011 8:09:30 PM
Does anyone have experience with nosework? Is it just teaching the dog to retrieve items with certain smells, or what?
How much are they trying to charge - is this a regular class over a certain # of weeks? I went to a nosework seminar where the instructor explained that other folks are trying to charge way too much money for the "supplies" needed - like $65 for a collection of boxes when you can just use low cardboard boxes. More $$ for birch and other scents that are too much/overpowering, etc. I don't know much about it. I just know we did fun things w/cardboard boxes, toys dabbed w/vanilla scent, and practice and certain expectations guided by the instructor. I had fun.
Nosework will allow your dog to practice working more on their own. I think Agility is more oriented toward being a team w/you. I don't do agility, either, but that's because I don't have a dog who is structurally well-suited to that, and I, myself, am not structurally well-suited to it, either! lol I enjoy Obed & Rally, our next venture is Tracking.