Some may have already seen on Facebook, but I wanted to post here how proud I am of Eli! We had a CPE trial this last weekend, and Eli was entered in Standard, Snooker, Fullhouse, Jackpot, Colors, and Jumpers. We've been working very hard on my handling, and keeping Eli relaxed in the trial atmosphere (both of us were really really nervous at our first UKC trial, and it didn't turn out too well ). We had a good short CPE trial (just three classes) a few weeks ago, but this last weekend was awesome!! Eli seemed relaxed and ran just like he did in class!
By the end of the weekend, Eli accumulated three 1st places, two 2nd places, one 4th place and three new titles! He earned his CL1-R, CL1-H, and CL1-F! But the best part was watching him have a great time!
The proud little guy with all his pretty colors!
My husband was able to come and record Saturday:
We had such a good time, and it was WONDERFUL to see him running so happy! We're addicted, and can't wait until the next trial!