Does anyone else here do hunt/field work with their retrievers? OMG we are having a BLAST with it.
When we were looking for Quinn, we went to an AKC hunt test to talk to lab people about breeders. We watched and it was SO incredible watching these dogs do what they were bred for and light up. So I decided I wanted to try it with Teddi and Belle. Well that didn't work so well. Belle retrieves GREAT but we taught her to drop the bumper at our feet (supposed to deliver to hand) and she won't remember a double. We tried her on a bird once... she says they taste like chicken... OOPS. Teddi well she does ALL the ingredients right. She can mark until the cows come home. Her weaknesses are she prefers to parade with her retrieve than bring it back, AND.... she REFUSES to touch a bird. She will go to the mark, just not pick it up. We continue to work with her with bumpers so I can learn to train so when I get my next puppy I have some idea of what to do.
Quinn is a natural. She has the drive, desire, and is extremely birdy. She was pulling her first bird out of water at 5 months. Her issue is NOISE! They must be QUIET on the line, in the field and in the water. The line and water we are working on. She has gotten quiet running. We hope to run her junior hunter (AKC) and started (UKC) next year. She is learning to hold, and we are working on the returning to hand on the heel.
The obedience in the field is incredible. I have a friend working on her UDX with her dog, and started field work. Her dog does all the stuff, but when he got to do a test she said it was like he didn't know anything. Their adrenaline is so high, they forget the word heel, sit etc. In junior hunter you can leash the dog to the line, and steady until released, but some of the dogs are still lunging. Quinn is doing great off leash, she heels and walks perfectly on the right too. Has a great sit stay in agility but when we put her on the line, she is just quivering to get to run. She is a LONG way from being able to heel to the line. The next level after JH, the dog has to run naked, so it has to be controlled off leash.
So I didn't know if anyone here did any of this? It is a lot of fun, and a lot of work.