Posted : 9/16/2010 7:37:52 AM
Thanks, Amanda.
LOL, I considered actually having him retrieve articles because apparently you can indicate or retrieve or whatever you want, but I've personally never seen it done in competition in person or on video, so we stuck with the platz indication since that's what everyone else in our club uses. He used to platz a little crooked but now he's nice and straight (and only in a stylized sport like SchH does that even matter, I was talking to a K9 cop and he couldn't believe all the ridiculously impractical stuff we have to teach in our tracking!).
My main issue with Nikon is keeping his head down. AKC people watch him and thing I'm crazy but ideally that nose is literally making it's own scuff mark down the track. It's not that he lacks focus or is distracted but sometimes the tracks are easy for him and it shows. If it is wet or the grass is really nice (both the case here), there is a lot of scent, the dog has no real reason to keep the nose deep, he can track just fine. We've tried all sorts of things, like lots of food, not very much food, compulsion, etc and now we're basically trying to trick him with articles. He has a problem from me if he misses an article so he's got to keep his nose deep enough to find them all. His tracking has very much improved since we took food off the track and only use articles. He's got something to look for, a job to do.