Posted : 5/26/2010 6:50:57 PM
Paige, Google rankings are mostly effected by how many times your site is linked externally, so the more other sites that contain links to your site, the better your Google ranking is going to be. It is not the only factor, but one of the major contributors in search engine optimization.
Our Schutzhund club has Sportsmens insurance. Our TD told us that just about every other club uses the same company and type of policy so that's what we got. It covers up to $100K per incident. We hold our club on private property, and the owner has her own LLC under which her property and training building is insured, so we also contribute to that policy.
Right now we are not incorporated, just haven't bothered with the paperwork yet. We carry an "assumed name" under the club president's LLC. We have our own bank account and can write our own checks.
When we wrote by-laws, we got a copy that we liked the layout of from another parent organization member club. Then we just went through each item at our annual general meeting and amended them as we saw fit. We joined the WDA so we had to pay their fee, prove that we are insured, have our by-laws accepted by the WDA, and hosted an affiliation trial with our regional director.