Posted : 4/20/2008 8:57:38 AM
I know that older dogs can become to allergic to foods, just seems unlikely, but it coincides with a food change, which is why I suspect the Lamb based Canidea more than anything.
Since they live further north I really don't think it is environment, yeah there might be a couple of brave fleas here and there, (and she has had them here an there with no reaction) someone might have started an early jump on lawn and plant care, but I really doubt it. I know she mentioned taking her to a different area and also mentioned Florida, but I still don't think that is it IMO.
That kind of look is what I associate to a DOT, for you none online gamers that is "damage over time" phrase.
And yes, I too switched Kord to a Salmon based food, he is doing fantastic on it, very little redness in his ears, no itching and scratching and no hot spots.