
    • Gold Top Dog

    Even in the clinic I work for, which is quite busy and treats dogs from several surrounding cities due to more advanced equipment, they don't see very many.  I think Ginger was the only current dog with megaesophagus. A few months ago a toy poodle was diagnosed with it as well (she's also doing well, I believe)

    Luckily we've not had to deal with pneumonia at this point, however Ginger is only 8 lbs, so some things are a bit easier than it is with a large dog. We do have to really watch her weight though, being so small. If she eats a bit less for a few days she can really drop weight quickly, and she is at the bare minimum of her ideal weight. 

    We take any lethargy/illness very seriously. (the vets are probably sick of usStick out tongue but they,too, take it seriously and don't shrug off lethargy or  'just' an upset stomach for a day, as might happen with other dogs) Last weekend she had some digestion issues and was acting very tired and not herself, so she went in immediately and was checked out and had some fluids. Thankfully she was back to herself quite soon.


    Again, so sorry for what both you and Bubby went through.

    David, also very sorry for your lossSad

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have spent a lot of time on the yahoo group that is nothing but this horrid illness..... and have learned that it is very important to take nothing for granted with these dogs...and especially tire or lethargic could be pneumonia...and most of the people get their dogs in right away and get them on medicine.

    For us...we wasted more time running around from doctor to doctor and listening about how Great Danes have problems with arthritis...or weak backs or legs.  By the time we figured all of this out it was too late for her.   Looking back we can see so much now.  

    The support on the Yahoo group is amazing!

    • Puppy
    Hi Just wanted to say that we have a dog with MG and MegS. We nearly lost him but although not in remission he is stable and active and happy. We use mestinon that helps with his condition. We medicate him every four hours and he has not been to the vets for over a year. If anyone is looking for advice just email me on as we are lucky we have been successful and we believe we can keep our dog happy for years to come. We are always happy to help x
    • Puppy
    Hi, sorry to hear about bubblegum. Our dog also has the two condition MG and megS. He was diagnosed two years ago but is still happy and healthy although he is not in remission. If anyone needs any advice we are happy to help. Our email is We would like to help because we know how horrible the conditions are and we love our dog so much we can not image losing him. x
    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm so happy that your dog is doing well with this horrible disease... did he have it from young?  I know there are so many people on the megaE Yahoo group, they are really keeping each other going....many of not most...are helping their vets learn how to treat it.  It was just so hard for us with Bubblegum,,having figured it out after she was so ill.......she just couldn't get her strength going. I miss her so much still!   It is so good of you to offer help because I know so much how help is needed, so little is often known while trying to pull a dog thru the bad times.